Updated Arrangements of S1 Discretionary Places Interview for 2022/23 (updated on 25.2.2022)

In view of the latest COVID-19 epidemic development and taking into consideration the applicants’ health and safety, the S1 Discretionary Places Interview of our School will be conducted via Zoom on the originally scheduled date (12th March 2022).
Applicants are advised to pay attention to the email for further information.
Issued on 25.2.2022

2022/23 中一自行分配學位面試更新安排 (更新日期: 25.2.2022)

鑑於新型冠状病毒的疫情發展,並考慮到申請人之健康和安全,本校中一自行分配學位面試將於原定日期(2022 年 3 月 12 日)以網上 Zoom 形式進行。
上載日期: 25.2.2022